BMJ Open 2018;8:e024012. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-024012
- This is a protocol for a study which aims to evaluate the impact of GPED on patient care, the primary care and acute hospital team and the wider urgent care system.
- The study will be divided into three work packages (WPs).
- WP-A; Mapping and Taxonomy: mapping, description and classification of current models of GPED in all emergency departments in England and interviews with key informants to examine the hypotheses that underpin GPED.
- WP-B; Quantitative Analysis of National Data: measurement of the effectiveness, costs and consequences of the GPED models identified in WP-A, compared with a no-GPED model, using retrospective analysis of Hospital Episode Statistics Data.
- WP-C; Case Studies: detailed case studies of different GPED models using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods including: non-participant observation of clinical care, semistructured interviews with staff, patients and carers; workforce surveys with emergency department staff and analysis of available local routinely collected hospital data.
- See the Project site here.(Includes links to related research)