1 January 2022

Some of the statistical resources I have found useful over the years

  • Government statistics
  • Health services
  • Local Authority/ constituencies
  • Workforce
  • Research data
  • Ethnicity/inequalities
  • Stats by disease

  • Key COVID-19 sources
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Cancer
  • Mental health
  • Demographics/ inequalities

Government statistics

Statistics at Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) relate to general public health; abortions; alcohol, tobacco and drug use; CVD; child and maternal health; chronic disease; COVID-19; diet, obesity and physical activity; endo life care; health inequalities; mental health; mortality surveillance; primary care

Statistics at NHS England – includes key performance indicators relating to NH Operating Framework

PHE data and analysis tools incl health inequalities; links to Fingertips profiles

Health and care statistics for England This tool compiles official statistics relating to health and care in England, into one location. Relevant publications and datasets covering England are identified via the Gov.uk statistics release calendar in collaboration with the English Health Statistics Steering Group.

PHE statistics (no longer updated)

PHE statistics: ad-hoc analyses and data releases

NHS Key Statistics: England, February 2022, House of Commons Library research briefing. Summary of NHS demand, performance, backlogs, and capacity of services in England. Covers A&E statistics, waiting lists and pressures, ambulance data, delayed discharges, staffing levels including doctors and nurses, and more.

Health services

Atlas of Variation  "help to identify unwarranted variation and assess the value that healthcare provides to both populations and individuals." Latest full revision 2019. Other topics updated more recently.

Model health System data-driven improvement tool that enables NHS health systems and trusts to benchmark quality and productivity. Operational and system-level data across STP or ICS. Search by specialty, service, policy priority, workforce (inc retention, temporary staffing, EDI) [Registration required]

Acute hospital trust catchment populations PHE v1.1 May 2020 . A tool using Microsoft Power BI which models estimates of catchment populations for hospital provider trusts in England. Users can select a trust or a region they are interested in and then throughout the dashboard, additional options may be available such as admission type and year.  Further details on methodology can be found on the first and last pages of the dashboard,

Unit Costs of Health and Social Care from the Personal Social Services Research Unit, University of Kent. Annual report of unit costs for approaching 100 types of health and social care services.  Includes a table “Unit costs of professionals” Annual reports include one off articles on related topics. (Index available)

HQIP  - audit data across a range of pathways

Syndromic surveillance “collecting, analysing and interpreting health-related data to provide an early warning of human or veterinary public health threats, which require public health action.” Includes remote health advice, GP in hours and GP out of hours, emergency dept and ambulance.

  • GP in hours data uses data from over 55% of England’s population (practices using TPP system) with trends across a range of infectious conditions – respiratory, GI, skin conditions, vaccine preventable.
  • GP out of hours - The number of unscheduled visits and calls to GPs every day: during evenings, overnight, on weekends and on public holidays.

Waiting Lists Tracker from the Patient Experience Library. By trust based on NHS England  Consultant-led Referral to Treatment Waiting Time. (Very broad categories; number waiting to start; started; %waiting more than a year)

ODI Social Prescribing Flagship Public Tool  draws together a range of datasets that provide information on the incidence of deprivation and various health conditions that are likely to drive demand for different aspects of social prescribing.

Local Authority/ constituencies

Constituency data: health conditions,
House of Commons Library Data Dashboard 27 April 2021
Compare local data for health conditions including diabetes, asthma, depression and high blood pressure. Browse data constituency and small area estimates for the prevalence of twenty conditions, including asthma, COPD, dementia, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, and epilepsy. These modelled estimates are based on analysis of 2019/20 data from QOF data published by NHS Digital.

LG Inform reports – reports including COVID-19;  children and young people, adult social care; delayed transfer of care; local health reports;  demographics, deprivation etc

A picture of health: an intelligence framework for the South west (2021) A snapshot of key public health indicators including analysis of cause of mortality by age group, deprivation and demographics. (I am sure I have seen this for other areas too)

Nomis - Official Labour Market Statistics (nomisweb.co.uk) - labour market profile by constituency. ethnicity by LA and others


NHS workforce statistics NHS Digital. Geographical Granularity: Ambulance Trusts, Care Trusts, Clinical Commissioning Groups, Hospital and Community Health Services, Hospital Trusts, Mental Health Trusts, NHS Trusts, Regions

General Practice Workforce Interactive dashboard, NHS Digital. GP primary care workforce metrics at national level, CCG level and practice level. This includes the number of GPs at England level or within a region and the number of registered patients per GP

Model health System data-driven improvement tool that enables NHS health systems and trusts to benchmark quality and productivity. Operational and system-level data across STP or ICS. Search by specialty, service, policy priority, workforce (inc retention, temporary staffing, EDI) [Registration required]

Research data

Health Data Research Innovation Gateway - datasets, tools, papers and related resources used in health research across the UK. Video  Over 600 datasets listed. Includes NHS Digital, NIHR, RCGP QResearch; UK Biobank


Health equity: Evidence, resources and guidance from Public Health England and partners to help support national, regional and local areas to reduce health inequalities. Including Data and intelligence reports on health inequalities

Ethnic Category Coverage, NHS Digital. Spreadsheets including ethnic breakdown by CCG, refreshed every 2 weeks.

Ethnicity facts and figures - Government data about the UK's different ethnic groups. Searchable. Categories include Health and UK population (2011 census). Data by ethnic group – summaries so far include Indian, Chinese, Black Caribbean and Gypsy, Roma and Irish Traveller.

Digital Exclusion Risk Index (DERI) Tool
The Digital Exclusion Risk Index (DERI) tool visualises the risk, or likelihood of digital exclusion for every LSOA in England and Wales. It brings together a broad set of indicators including demography, deprivation and broadband. Created by the Greater Manchester Office of Data Analysis at Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Read more

Deprivation heat maps FutureNHS Equalities and Health Inequalities Network [registration required]. Heat maps (based on 2019 Index of Multiple Deprivation deciles) have been created to support Integrated Care Systems to identify the Core20 most deprived areas within their geography.

Stats by disease

A chronological map of 308 physical and mental health conditions from 4 million individuals in the English National Health Service The Lancet Digital Health, Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2019, Pages e63-e77 (Fantastic graphics)

Key COVID-19 sources

·         UK COVID-19 data dashboard
·         Excess mortality in English regions (OHID) (data), (interactive dashboard)
·         NHS England Coronavirus guidance for clinicians and NHS Managers
·         COVID-19 vaccination programme
·         COVID-19 local vaccination services (FutureNHS)
·         COVID-19 Vaccinations (data)
·         Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance (UK gov)
·         COVID-19: impacts on health – reports and tools incl mental health, disparities
·         COVID-19 resource and best practice hub for social care (SCIE)
·         Post-COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) (NHS England)
·         COVID-19 Health Inequalities Monitoring in England Tool (CHIME)
·         NHS England COVID-19 publications

·         COVID-19 Rolling Weekly Tracker Local Authority View

Cardiovascular diseases

British Heart Foundation - Heart and Circulatory Disease StatisticsPublished annually, latest 2022.The series features the latest statistics for mortality, morbidity, treatments, risk factors and costs relating to heart and circulatory diseases.

Ischaemic heart diseases deaths including comorbidities, England and Wales: 2019 registrations ONS 4 May 2021
Deaths registered in 2019 in England and Wales due to ischaemic heart diseases, by sex, age group, region and place of occurrence. Includes analysis of comorbidities.

CVD Prevention packs (STP/CCG level)  aim to inform the 10 year ambitions focussing on the three CVD risk factors, hypertension, atrial fibrillation and dyslipidaemia.


Early Diagnosis Data Hub, Cancer Research UK. Explore the latest cancer early diagnosis data across the UK. (National data only, but there are links to data available at regional/CCG level.)

Cancer: summary of statistics (England) House of Commons Library Research Briefing 4 November, 2021. Data and charts on cancer diagnosis, deaths, survival, and NHS treatments in England.

NCRI COVID-19 Dashboard
NCRI, Cancer Research UK, the National Cancer Registration and Analysis Service (NCRAS) and the Cancer Alliance Data, Evaluation and Analysis Service have developed a cancer and Covid-19 research dashboard. This is a public resource that lists research projects looking at the impact of Covid-19 on cancer care and patients.

Mental health

Mental health statistics: prevalence, services and funding in England House of Commons Library research briefing 13 December 2021

Demographics/ inequalities

The ODI Social Prescribing Flagship Public Tool which draws together a range of datasets that provide information on the incidence of deprivation and various health conditions that are likely to drive demand for different aspects of social prescribing.

 Global burden of disease – international but with country profiles UK, England and regions

LGA Research Reports https://lginform.local.gov.uk/dataAndReports/themed-reports 

Finding the evidence: Health inequalities, equality and diversity updated 2021