4 May 2018

Supporting Research in the NHS: response to consultation on ETCs and commercial research

NHS England’s response to the public consultation: “Supporting Research in the NHS: A consultation covering changes to simplify arrangements for research in the NHS and associated changes to the terms of the NHS Standard Contract”
NHS England 4 May 2018
  • A summary of responses received to the consultation on simplifying arrangements relating to Excess Treatment Costs (ETCs) in non-commercial research and commercial contract research. accompanied by details of 12 agreed actions to support and apply research in the NHS. 
  • It includes key themes identified in the consultation responses, NHS England's response to these findings and a timeline for next steps.
  • What will be implemented by April 2019
    • Operation of refined ETC management models for CCG commissioned services using agreed CCG allocations and minimum 
    • Trust thresholds for 2019/20 Operation of refined ETC management model for specialised commissioning services using agreed minimum Trust thresholds for 2019/20 
    • Mechanism for assessing high value ETCs 
    • Mechanism for ongoing evaluation and refinement of ETC management models 
    • Continued oversight and reporting on ETC management models