Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham for Health Foundation, 6 September 2017
- This briefing summarises the main findings of a research report (see below) which looks at a range of current organisational partnerships, and draws tentative learning to help inform and guide both policymakers and providers.and what providers and policymakers can learn.
- Most research has focused on the impact of structural mergers and acquisitions between health care providers. Studies show that realising financial or quality benefits from mergers of health care organisations is far from straightforward and often takes years to materialise.
- Buddying schemes are popular across occupational sectors, but there is little academic research available on the effects or effectiveness of these more informal forms of partnership. The report examines five case studies to explore different forms of informal partnership and to understand the key ingredients for success for each.
Partnering for improvement: inter-organisational developments in the NHS
HSMC University of Birmingham September 2017