Presentations from an event held at Kings Fund on 24 May 2017
- Scaling up prevention in Gloucestershire, Mary Hutton, Accountable Officer, NHS Gloucestershire CCG and STP lead, Gloucestershire STP
- Mental health across local areas: the experience so far, Claire Murdoch, NHS National Mental Health Director, NHS England
- Integrating mental health into sustainability and transformation partnerships, Chris Naylor, Senior Fellow, Policy, The King’s Fund, Holly Taggart, Policy Research Fellow, The Royal College of Psychiatrists
- Care homes from the periphery to the system: spreading new care models, Mark Adams, Chief Officer, NHS Newcastle and Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group and STP lead, Northumberland Tyne and Wear and North Durham
- Transforming primary care in Dorset, Dr Phil Richardson, Director, Design and Transformation,
- Getting people involved in shaping and improving health care locally, Dr Tom Nutt, Chief Executive,
- Community hubs and transforming primary care, David Smith, Chief Executive, NHS Oxfordshire Involving people in decisions about their care , Mark Doughty, Patient and Senior Consultant, Leadership and Organisational Development, The King's Fund
- An accountable care organisation: a 20 year journey, Stephen Rosenthal, Senior Vice President, Population Health Management, Montefiore Health System
- Ribera Salud Group: from hospital to population health management, Alberto de Rosa, Chief Executive, Ribera Salud