Public Health England, 4 July 2013
- An online tool of indictors on both health outcomes and factors affecting health developed to help councillors, local authority officers and partners in the health and wellbeing process to use the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment dataset to help choose local priorities for health improvement.
- See the Milton Keynes Local Health Profile here.
- Indicators include:
- Income Deprivation (%)
- Low Birth Weight Births (%)
- Child Poverty (%)
- Child Development at age 5 (%)
- GCSE Achievement (5A*-C inc. Eng & Maths) (%)
- Unemployment (%)
- Long Term Unemployment (Rate/1,000 working age population)
- General Health - bad or very bad (%)
- General Health - very bad (%)
- Limiting long term illness or disability (%)
- Households with central heating (%)
- Overcrowding (%)
- Provision of 1 hour or more unpaid care per week (%)
- Provision of 50 hours or more unpaid care per week (%)
- Pensioners living alone (%)
- Older People in Deprivation (%)
- Obese Children (Reception Year) (%)
- Obese Children (Year 6) (%)
- Children's and young people's admissions for injury (Crude rate/100,000 aged 0-17)
- Obese adults (%)
- Binge drinking adults (%)
- Healthy eating adults (%)
- Emergency hospital admissions for all causes (SAR)
- Emergency hospital admissions for CHD (SAR)
- Emergency hospital admissions for stroke (SAR)
- Emergency hospital admissions for Myocardial Infarction (heart attack) (SAR)
- Emergency hospital admissions for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (SAR)
- Incidence of all cancer (SRR)
- Incidence of breast cancer (SRR)
- Incidence of colorectal cancer (SRR)
- Incidence of lung cancer (SRR)
- Incidence of prostate cancer (SRR)
- Hospital stays for self harm (SAR)
- Hospital stays for alcohol related harm (SAR)
- Emergency hospital admissions for hip fracture in 65+ (SAR)
- Elective hospital admissions for hip replacement (SAR)
- Elective hospital admissions for knee replacement (SAR)
- Life expectancy at birth for males (years)
- Life expectancy at birth for females (years)
- Deaths from all causes, all ages (SMR)
- Deaths from all causes, under 65 years (SMR)
- Deaths from all causes, under 75 years (SMR)
- Deaths from all cancer, all ages (SMR)
- Deaths from all cancer, under 75 years (SMR)
- Deaths from circulatory disease, all ages (SMR)
- Deaths from circulatory disease, under 75 years (SMR)
- Deaths from coronary heart disease, all ages (SMR)
- Deaths from coronary heart disease, under 75 years (SMR)
- Deaths from stroke, all ages (SMR)
- Deaths from respiratory diseases, all ages (SMR)