1 May 2013

Guide to the NHS healthcare system

Guide to the Healthcare System in England
NHS, May 2013
  • A number of different organisations make up and support the set of common set of principles and values which are the NHS. Some of these are NHS organisations as set out in law, such as clinical commissioning group. Others, such as charities providing NHS funded services, play a key role in making the NHS what it is, yet are not NHS organisations themselves. Collectively, all of these organisations make up the healthcare system. This guide seeks to explain that system.
  • Contents
    • Introduction: What is the NHS? 
    • Providing care 
    • Commissioning care 
    • Safeguarding patients 
    • Empowering patients and local communities 
    • Education and training 
    • Supporting providers of care 
    • The Secretary of State for Health 
    • Statement of NHS Accountability