CQC 15 October 2019
- In their annual assessment of health care and social care in England CQC looks at the trends, shares examples of good and outstanding care, and highlights where care needs to improve.
- Particular issues highlighted affect people with a learning disability or autism, or mental health issues, waiting times for GP appointments, elective care or cancer, A&E waiting times and stability of the adult social care market.
- "In many cases, crises could have been averted if local health, care and education services had worked in unison to provide an integrated package to support them when they were young."
- "Most of the care that we see across England is good quality and, overall, the quality is improving slightly."
- But people do not always have good experiences of care and they have told us about the difficulties they face in trying to get care and support. Sometimes people don’t get the care they need until it’s too late and things have seriously worsened for them."
- "The challenge for government, Parliament, commissioners, national organisations and providers is to change the way services work together so that the right services are being commissioned to deliver what people need in their local area."