26 September 2019

Recommendations for an NHS Bill

Recommendations for an NHS Bill
NHS England and NHS Improvement 26 September 2019
  • Recommendations based on a public and stakeholder engagement campaign on proposals for NHS primary legislation, building on the outline proposals that arose from the NHS Long Term Plan process.
  • Recommendations included relate to procurement, population health, commissioning/provider collaboration, Integrated Care System development and NHS England/NHS Improvement merger.
  • Recommendations for an NHS Bill were presented to the NHS England NHS Improvement Board meeting on 26 September 2019 (Item 5). It was agreed that:
    • “An NHS Bill should be introduced in the next session of Parliament. Its purpose should be to free up different parts of the NHS to work together and with partners more easily. Once enacted, it would speed implementation of the 10- year NHS Long Term Plan.”
  • Read the summary of recommendations by Hempsons Solicitors.