NHS England 10 September 2019
- NHS England are asking CCGs to submit information about seven existing locally commissioned services to support development of those to be included in the 2020/21 and 201/22 Network Contract DES. These are: Structured Medications Review and Optimisation, Enhanced Health in Care Homes, Anticipatory Care, Personalised Care and Supporting Early Cancer Diagnosis, CVD Diagnosis and Prevention, and Health Inequalities.
- The letter also discusses:
- the Network Dashboard and the Impact and Investment Fund which will be introduced in 2020/21
- Additional Roles Reimbursement
- Data Sharing Agreement
- Recording PCNs in CQRS - Commissioning organisations were required to create PCN clusters for their areas during August 2019. This will be the main way PCN participation and membership will be recorded at CCG, Regional and National level whilst work is underway to create Organisation Data Service (ODS) codes to PCNs. Annex A gives guidance on naming conventions for the Organisational Data Service codes.