England / NHS Improvement Board meeting in common 26 September 2019
Highlights for Arden & GEM CSU by
Anne Gray, Knowledge Officer
Arden & GEM CSU
Arden & GEM CSU
available on NHS England website.
1. Welcome and
Apologies for Absence
Declarations of Interest
Minutes and matters arising from the Board Meetings in Common of the Boards of
NHS England and NHS Improvement held on 27 June 2019
2. Chairs’
report ( Verbal report - Dido Harding)
3. Chief
Executive’s report (Verbal report - Simon Stevens)
4. EU Exit
readiness (Keith Willett)
5. The NHS
recommendations to Government and Parliament for an NHS Integrated Care Bill (Ian
The NHS’s recommendations to Government and Parliament for an NHS Bill
5b: Annex 1: Implementing the NHS Long Term Plan:
Public Engagement on Proposals for Possible Changes to Legislation
Digital-First Primary Care consultation outcome (Dr Nikki Kanani, Ed Waller)
Clinically-led review of NHS access standards (Steve Powis)
8. Operational,
quality and financial performance update (Julian Kelly, Amanda Pritchard)
9. Community
pharmacy reform (Ian Dodge)
The Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework for 2019/20 to 2023/24: supporting
delivery for the NHS Long Term Plan
10. Public
Participation Dashboard (Ruth May)
11. NHS England
Mandate Assurance 2018/19 (Ian Dodge)
12. Seal report
(Jessica Dahlstrom)
4. EU Exit readiness
NHS is reported to be in a good position of readiness, but key challenges would
be supporting multiple incidents over a prolonged period and the NHS’s reliance
on contingency plans being put in place by other government departments.
include winter pressures, surge capacity, social care, cost recovery, border
flow, medicines supply, industry support and communication with stakeholders.
5. The NHS recommendations to Government
and Parliament for an NHS Integrated Care Bill
It was agreed
“An NHS Bill
should be introduced in the next session of Parliament. Its purpose should be
to free up different parts of the NHS to work together and with partners more
easily. Once enacted, it would speed implementation of the 10- year NHS Long
Term Plan.”
recommendations include
of the presumption of automatic tendering NHS healthcare services over £615k by
repealing the Competition and Markets Authority’s roles in the NHS, scrapping
of section 75 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 and removal of the
commissioning of NHS healthcare services from the jurisdiction of Public
Contract Regulations 2015.
new ‘triple aim’ of better health for the whole population, better quality care
for all patients and financially sustainable services, in particular through
engagement with local communities.
commissioners and providers should be newly allowed to form joint
decision-making committees on a voluntary basis, rather than the alternative of
creating ICS as new statutory bodies. Joint committees will enable closer
collaboration and decision making between separate providers and assist and
further the work of ICS which will cover the whole of England. NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHS E/I) will
not have new powers of intervention in relation to such committees beyond those
that exist in relation to CCGs and NHS providers. Current statutory duties to
assess and report on CCG performance and to oversee providers will be retained.
governing bodies will be able to include a clinician from a NHS provider from
their area. Any conflicts of interest issues will be managed through updated
NHS E/I statutory guidance.
and Wellbeing Boards will continue to have a role in assessing local needs and
developing joint health and wellbeing strategies.
E/I will develop statutory guidance on governance of ICS joint committees. ICS joint committees should meet in public
and hold an annual general meeting, and publish an annual report. Their
decisions would also be subject to scrutiny by Local Authority Overview and
Scrutiny Committees.
E/I should be permitted to merge fully. Monitor and the Trust Development Authority
should be abolished with their functions added to NHS England.
Full text
NHS England 26
September 2019
6. Digital-First Primary Care
consultation outcome
Report of the consultation
on proposals to change patient registration, payment and contracting rules
around digital-first providers.
Following the
consultation NHS E/I will;
a patient list and create a new APMS contract when a provider registers a
certain number of out-of-area patients in another CCG. The threshold will be
set at 1,000 patients
a CCG adjustment based on the age and gender of the patients registering with
digital first practices, plus the practice they were previously registered with
arrangements on the new patient registration premium unchanged
create new opportunities for providers to set up new digital-first services
anywhere in England but target these opportunities in areas of greatest need
e.g. under-doctored areas. During 2020/21 NHS E/I aim to create a list of
approved providers who could set up new digital-first practices in
under-doctored areas only.
Full consultation report:
NHS England 26
September 2019
7. Clinically-led review of NHS access
to standards relating to access to cancer (Faster Diagnosis Standard), new mental
health services, Urgent & Emergency Care (standard for time to initial
assessment and the feasibility of ‘critical time standards’ ) and planned care (average
wait in place 18-week maximum RTT) are being considered;
testing is underway or due to commence across all of the agreed care pathways
(see Appendices A and B)
of the field testing experiences will be undertaken over the autumn and
published to inform a consultation in 2020.
9. Community pharmacy reform
package of community pharmacy reform has been agreed with the Pharmaceutical
Services Negotiating Committee (PSCN).
services include a Community Pharmacist Consultation Service (CPCS) offering
same-day consultations for minor illnesses, an expansion on prevention through
the ‘healthy living pharmacy’ programme,
a strengthened Pharmacy Quality Scheme. There will be reforms to dispensing
practice and community pharmacy drug reimbursement arrangements.
10. Public Participation Dashboard
The latest
iteration of the Public Participation Dashboard which provides a high-level
overview of public participation practice and performance. Including:
4: CCG compliance with 14Z2 statutory guidance
5: Perceptions of local system partners of CCGs
6: Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) / Integrated Care
Systems (ICSs) emerging practice – described ongoing work by the Public
Participation team and CoCreate with Leicestershire CCGs and PCNs to “to map
their community’s assets and develop plans to engage with their communities,
especially those communities who do not use current participation structures.”
NHS E/I are
considering how to include information around PCNs.
Date of Next NHS E/I Board meeting: 28
November 2019