NHS England 27 June 2018
(See the accompanying NHS England/ NHS Improvement Board paper)
- On publication of the LTP in January 2019, an Implementation Framework was promised which would support sustainability and transformation partnerships (STPs) / integrated care systems (ICSs) to undertake strategic planning. Five year strategic plans, 2019/20 – 2023/24, are expected by November and will be fed into the national plan by the end of 2019. Plans must set out how STPs will develop to become an ICS by April 2021.
- The Framework sets out expectations and the support available to systems from national and regional teams and will put into practice the new operating model for NHS England and Improvement.
- Expectation are that plans ”explicitly set out how the additional funding being invested will deliver real improvements for their populations”, and that plans are:
- Clinically-led
- Locally owned
- Based on realistic workforce planning
- Financially balanced and delivering financial recovery
- Delivering all the commitments within the Long Term plan
- Phased over the full five years reflecting local priorities and different starting points
- Reducing local health inequalities and unwarranted variation, (including disadvantaged or vulnerable groups and those with learning disabilities/autism).
- Focused on prevention
- Engaged with Local Authorities
- Driving innovation
- Other key areas for consideration include workforce, digitally enabled care, and financial planning assumptions to meet the financial tests set out in the Long Term Plan.
- The Implementation Framework: support offer signposts the national and regional support that systems can draw on to develop their five-year strategic plans.
See: Summary of the NHS long-term plan implementation framework, HFMA, 28 June 2019
- This briefing highlights the key points included in the NHS long-term plan implementation framework and the next steps for the system.