CQC 11 October 2018
- An annual assessment of health and social care in England. The report looks at the trends, shares examples of good and outstanding care, and highlights where care needs to improve.
- The report looks at five factors that affect the sustainability of good care for people: access to care and support, quality of care for people, workforce to deliver care, capacity to meet demand and funding and commissioning.
- Independent primary medical care provided online will be rated as of April 2019, but the report notes improvements since the inspection in March 2018 (p103).
- "Our analysis shows that relationships with commissioners are central to supporting improvement. The way in which individual services are supported and managed by CCGs and local authorities can have important implications for the quality of care. Proactive and strategic approaches to planning and managing commissioning across local systems create the condition for good, joined-up pathways of care and effective system working. However, gaps in commissioning and funding can have significant impacts on other services." p46