1 July 2018

The international knowledge base for new care models relevant to primary care-led integrated models

The international knowledge base for new care models relevant to primary care-led integrated models: a realist synthesis.
Health Serv Deliv Res 2018;6(25), July 2018
  • A ‘synthesis of lessons from models similar to Multispecialty Community Providers (MCPs) has concluded that integrated care models that work well are tailored to local needs and constantly evolving. They are also dependent on good connections between local people, communities and health-care staff, especially those that allow learning from one another.
  • The authors conclude that in a MCP, there should be:
    • opportunities for all the different staff and service users to be involved
    • a shared view of the benefits of working together, with trust for one another and the organisations that they represent
    • training to support integrated working.