14 February 2018

Improving Clinical Communications Between Primary and Secondary Care Clinicians

Improving Clinical Communications Between Primary and Secondary Care Clinicians: A review and recommendations for the Sussex and East Surrey STP
South East Clinical Senate,  10 January 2018
  • This review looks at the current barriers and enablers to better clinical communications, reviews some of the pertinent literature, single centre experiences, and technologies that have been used, and provides a range of recommendations for how this agenda can be taken forward.
  • Recommendations include
    • Improving telephone communications - Enabling GP contact with specialists
    • Enhancing secondary care access to GPs
    • Use of Video links
    • Shared access to Integrated Digital Care Records 
    • Fostering improved relationships between GPs and consultant
    • Contractual incentives and levers to support and encourage improvement In clinical communications.

Table of contents

1. Introduction and context.
2. Methodology.
3. Scope of the review.
4. The purpose and key aims of improving clinical communications.
5. Underlying principles
6. Enhancing telephone, email and video communications.
7. Shared access to digital patient information across primary or secondary care.
8. Fostering improved relationships between GPs and consultants.
9. Commissioning, Implementation and Evaluation.
10. Improving clinical processes to reduce avoidable communication requests.
11. Information governance and patient consent.
12. Conclusion.

Appendix 1: Summary of recommendations
Appendix 2: Potential benefits assessment framework
Appendix 3: Ten Steps to Establishing an e-Consultation Service to Improve Access to Specialist Care.
Appendix 4: Clinical Senate Review Panel membership Appendix 5: South East Clinical Senate Council membership