31 January 2018

Learning from the vanguards

NHS Clinical Commissioners, NHS Providers, LGA, NHS Confederation 31 January 2018
A series of briefings which examine the legacy and lessons learned from the New Care Models programme.
  • Vanguard-supporting people and communities explores how the vanguards have sought to design health and care services around the needs of people who use them, focusing on the outcomes that matter to people and tailoring care to their needs and goals. It also explores how the vanguards have adopted community- and asset-based approaches to consider the broadest possible influencers on health and care.
  • Learning from the vanguards: staff at the heart of new care models looks at how the vanguards have broken down traditional organisational barriers across whole systems, how they have engaged staff in the programmes, communicated change and supported staff to work differently.
  • Learning from the vanguards: spreading and scaling up change explores the ten key factors that the vanguards have identified are crucial to encourage the spread of initiatives. These include the importance of involving clinicians in change, building shared goals across systems, and creating the time, space and resources for large scale change.
  • See Shared Learning from New Care Models