NHS Improvement November 2017
- Good practice for providers of community health services around reducing Delayed Transfers of Care (DTOC), and NHS Improvement expectations of them over the next six months. NHS Improvement lays out six essential measures and three wider measures of good practice for consideration.
- Cross-system working
- 1. Facilitate system-wide data-sharing
- 2. Actively engage in the operational management of discharge across all local organisations
- 3. Develop a ‘discharge hub’ referral and co-ordination service as part of an integrated discharge team
- Addressing challenges in resolving patient choice
- 4. Effectively implement their patient choice policy
- 5. Ensure the services they deliver are well understood
- Boosting operational focus in providers of community health services
- 6. Collect and share data for Red2Green days, creating a feedback loop between senior operational staff and the clinical workforce
- Good practice for providers of community health services to consider :
- 1: Enabling staff to work in different settings
- 2: Assisting patients to identify the best care packages for them
- 3: Taking steps to make nursing and therapy roles more attractive