NHS England, the Department of Health (DH) and Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) 5 July 2017
- Publications include
- NHS social care interface dashboard
- Local area performance metrics
- Integration and Better Care Fund planning requirements 2017-2019
- The NHS social care interface dashboard provides a set of measures indicating how health and social care partners in every local authority area in England are performing at the interface between health and social care.
- The dashboard includes a breakdown of delayed days attributable to social care per 100,000 of the population and the equivalent for NHS-attributable delays.
- The Government has published a Written Ministerial Statement setting out the measures that it is putting in place to address delayed discharges from hospital in advance of this winter. This can be found here
- Also published are Local Area Performance metrics - expectations for both local authorities and NHS Trusts which should allow areas to compare themselves to similar areas and then have conversations about good practice.
- See comments from Simon Stevens on criticism of the new BCF guidelines in HSJ 6 July (Subscription required)
- Reducing delays for people moving from hospital to social care. DH News story, 5 July 2017