21 July 2017

NHS England Board meeting, 21 July 2017

NHS England Board meeting, 21 July 2017

Highlights for Arden & GEM CSU by Anne Gray, Knowledge Officer
Arden & GEM CSU

Papers and videos will available here: https://www.england.nhs.uk/about/board/meetings/previous/

2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
3. Chairman’s Report
4. Chief Executive’s Report
5  Items Which Should not be Prescribed in Primary Care
5(a) - Items which should not routinely be prescribed in primary care - consultation guidance
5(b) Equality and Health Inequalities – Full Analysis - Items which should not be routinely prescribed in primary care
6. Developing our Academic Health Science Networks
7. NHS England Corporate and NHS Performance Report
8. Consolidated Month 2 2017/18 Financial Report
9. NHS England Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17
10. CCG Assessment 2016/17 year-end ratings
11. STP Progress Dashboard – baseline view
12. Annual Report (2016-17) from the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee Meeting
13. Annual Report (2016-17) from the Specialised Commissioning Committee
14. Annual Report (2016-17) from the Investment Committee
15. Annual Report (2016-17) from the Commissioning Committee
16. Reports from Board Committees
i. Commissioning Committee Assure David Roberts
ii. Investment Committee Assure Dame Moira Gibb
iii. Specialised Services Commissioning Committee Assure Noel Gordon
iv. Audit and Risk Assurance Committee

Highlights :

5. Items Which Should not be Prescribed in Primary Care
The objective of this work is to support CCGs in their decision-making, to address unwarranted variation, and to provide clear national advice to make local prescribing practices more effective.

NHS Clinical Commissioners working with NHS England and others have developed a list of 18 items that they consider need not be routinely prescribed in primary care. They were supported by PrescQIPP CIC who have an established process for making recommendations which can be viewed here. These recommendations will go out to national consultation from July to October 2017 see https://www.engage.england.nhs.uk/consultation/items-routinely-prescribed/. The specific recommendations attached to each, and the rationale for the recommendations are outlined in the accompanying consultation document.( Item 5a)

The next phase of the review will look at products which can be purchased over the counter from a pharmacy or other outlets.

NHS Clinical Commissioners are working with NHS England to produce commissioning guidance to support member organisations to ensure consistency and address unwanted variation in this area. CCGs will be expected to take the proposed guidance if and when issued into account in formulating local polices, and for prescribers to reflect local policies in their prescribing practice.

6. Developing our Academic Health Science Networks
The first five year cycle for the 15 Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs) ends in March 2018. This paper sets out the principles underpinning proposed to sustain and enhance their collective impact over the next five years. Plans for relicensing will be ready for approval in Q4.

In future AHSNs will have two primary functions: innovation, and service transformation. AHSNs will serve local STPs and the Regions by being commissioned to drive specific service improvements that dock within and are accountable to local programmes. The approach to the innovation objective will be much more standardised than now. Through an iterative relicensing process, NHS England will finalise a new Innovation Value Framework. This will comprise a balanced array of innovation subjects. NHS England expect to co-create common currencies to be used by all, wherever practicable (eg all AHSNs to use the same method for calculating wider economic impact, or NHS return on investment).
The value framework will include specific common goals and metrics including
·         their role in supporting the innovation ecosystem, eg by building capability, capacity, and acting as an effective broker;
·         medtech optimisation;
·         digital uptake;
·         medicines optimisation
AHSNs will showcase their work at Expo in Manchester see https://www.england.nhs.uk/expo/  

7. NHS England Corporate and NHS Performance Report
NHS England Corporate Risk Register now includes risk for Cyber Security, which expected to be at Red until March 2018.

10. CCG Assessment 2016/17 year-end ratings
The paper presents the first annual assessment using the CCG improvement and assessment framework, introduced in 2016/17.

11. STP Progress Dashboard – baseline view
All 44 STPs have been given an overall baseline rating based on performance across nine domains and have been categorised as ‘outstanding’, ‘advanced’, ‘making progress or ‘needs most improvement.
Overall baseline ratings derive from performance across nine domains:
Hospital performance:  Emergency Care, Elective Care, Patient Safety.
Patient focused change: General Practice, Mental Health, vi. Cancer
Transformation; Demand Management,  Leadership, Finance

Date of Next NHS England Board meeting: 28 September 2017