Royal College of Physicians, 17 September 2015
- The RCP outlines many of the structural and systematic challenges faced by patients whilst presenting a vision of how to reform and improve the systems and structures that underpin the NHS.
- The RCP believes that a sustainable, joined-up and person-centred health and care system is necessary to achieve the best health and healthcare for everyone. To translate this vision into reality they have outlined a number of principles which should form the foundations for the service planning, commissioning, contracting and payment mechanisms that underpin the way care is provided. These include:
- Empowering commissioners to collaborate
- Valuing quality of care above competition
- Valuing clinical engagement and joined up leadership
- Not making short-term plans for long term problems
- Building better payment systems
- Fostering a sustainable workforce
- Promoting innovation
- The report includes examples of commissioners, service planners and clinicians building strong, collaborative relationships to improve patient care.
- In a second report - "How physicians can influence the commissioning system: a guide to getting involved" the RCP provide a practical guide designed to help make sense of the different ways that physicians can influence the planning and commissioning of patient care.