30 January 2014

The link between health and design

City Health Check – How Design Can Save Lives and Money
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) 30 Janury 2014
  • This RIBA report compares three major health issues: diabetes, obesity in children, and physical activity in the nine most populated cities in England - Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds,Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Nottingham and Sheffield and  reveals that:
    • Taxpayers could save nearly £1bn a year if people could be encouraged to walk more each week 
    • 75% of people in the top English cities do not meet their recommended levels of exercise 
    • England's obesity epidemic could be eased if cities and towns invested in better public spaces and green infrastructure 
    • The healthiest local authorities in English cities have almost half the housing density and a fifth more green space than the least healthy ones