NHS England and LGA, 13 August 2013
- The ITF will be a pooled budget which can be deployed locally on social care and health, subject to a number of national conditions as described in the NHS England Board Paper on the 2015/17 spending round (see below)
- This publication provides a roadmap for local areas to plan in the run up to the ITF taking full effect from 2015/16.
- To access the ITF each locality will be asked to develop a local plan by March 2014, which will need to set out how the pooled funding will be used and the ways in which the national and local targets attached to the performance-related £1 billion will be met. This plan will also set out how the £200m transfer to local authorities in 2014/15 will be used to make progress on priorities and build momentum.
- Plans for the use of the pooled monies will need to be developed jointly by CCGs and local authorities and signed off by each of these parties and the local Health and Wellbeing Board.
- "On 26 June the government announced the outcome of the 2015/2016 spending round. ...the NHS, the Department for Communities and Local Government and the Department of Health will pool £3.8bn of funds for investment in the integration of health and social care. £3.4bn of these funds will come from clinical commissioning group budgets and will require substantial savings to be made in other costs. In order to achieve the full year financial impact of any savings in 2015/2016 CCGs will need to develop and begin implementation of plans in 2014/2015."