NHS England, 14 August 2013
- This document provides guidance to underpin the NHS England Business Case development, assurance and approval process for capital investment, property, equipment and information and communications technology
- " clear and proportionate processes to enable NHS England and its partner organisations to ensure that investment propositions are rigorously prioritised, have strong local ownership and receive the support of the appropriate regional and national teams."
- For this purpose, NHS England includes CSUs and all other organisations hosted by NHS England GP rent reimbursement is subject to a different scheme of delegation (para 1.6)
- The NHS England delegated limits for capital investment approvals do not extend to CCGs since these are independently constituted organisations which operate within their own Standing Financial Instructions and Scheme of Delegation. (para 3.6)
- Additional resources
- Project Initiation Document (PID) template, for use at the pre business case stage of project development (see pages 16-17 of the Business Case Approvals Process guidance)
- Less than £1 million proforma for Capital Approval (see pages 11 and 19 of the Business Case Approvals Process guidance)
- £1 million – £3 million Business Case proforma (see pages 11 and 19 of the Business Case Approvals Process guidance)