DH 1 July 2013
- A framework to hold providers to account for the delivery of nonmandatory services to achieve improved health outcomes.
- Non mandatory services can include, but are not limited to
- National Child Measurement Programme
- Health Check assessments
- comprehensive sexual health services (including testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, contraception outside of the GP contract and sexual health promotion and disease prevention)
- Tobacco control and smoking cessation services
- Alcohol and drug misuse services
- Public health services for children and young people aged 5-19 (including Healthy Child Programme 5-19)
- Interventions to tackle obesity such as community lifestyle and weight management services initiatives on nutrition
- Initiatives to Increase levels of physical activity in the local population o initiatives on workplace health
- Documents listed include:
- Public health services contract 2013 to 2014 - These documents are designed for use by local authorities in commissioning services.
- Guidance on the public health services contract 2013 to 2014 and Section C - annex to the guidance
- Integrated sexual health services: national service specification