19 July 2013

Looking to future models of primary care

Securing the future of general practice: new models of primary care
Nuffield Trust and Kings Fund, July 2013
  • A review of UK and international models of primary care, focusing on those that could increase capacity and help primary care meet the pressures it faces.
  • The report examines how GPs and their teams are responding to pressures by forming new organisations to allow care provision at greater scale. It considers what is required if primary care is to be fit for the future, proposing design principles to be used when planning future provision and suggesting what needs to be done by both policy-makers and practitioners.
  • The review considers the role of CCGs and suggests that an "alternative or intermediate approach to a new contract for primary care is for CCGs to be given a mandate to commission additional services from general practice (over and above core general and primary medical services) and other care providers."