NHS England, 9 May 2013
- A plan to strengthen performance in urgent and emergency care to help hospital A&E departments meet demand and tackle waiting time pressures.
- Much of the document focuses on the actions expected of NHS England’s Area Teams. However, local commissioners have the key role in supporting and ensuring the delivery of high quality emergency services, including that they are delivered in line with the NHS Constitution rights and that the 95% operational target is met.
- This document focusses specifically on that commissioning role and the need for commissioners to ensure that:
- They bring the system together and ensure good relationships and prevent fragmentation.
- They provide strategic oversight for the system
- They have a clear focus on outcomes.
- They tackle the obstacles.
- They ensure that all the appropriate services are in place and they hold each provider to account for playing their part.
- They promote integration and close working between all partners but especially health and social care.