7 May 2013

A whole system approach to commissioning

Sustainable System-wide Commissioning - how a whole system approach leads to more sustainable healthcare
Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, 7 May 2013
  • The guide and associated tools are aimed at CCGs that want to deliver system-wide commissioning which will, as a consequence, lead to healthcare services that operate in a more sustainable way.
  • This document outlines three core principles and a tool to help ensure that the best use is made of all available resources when commissioning services. If implemented, services would no longer sit as isolated components which create a fragmented frustrating experience for those who access the services. Instead, the boundaries between healthcare and social care would be blurred. Strategic priorities across health and social care would be coherent and complementary, rather than disjointed and competing. Services would be designed for now and the future, rather than simply repeating what has been provided before. Patients, staff, families, communities and voluntary organisations would work together to support everyone who has a need. Efficiencies would come from making better use of the wider resources that are available.
  • Ideas, advice, prototype tools for CCGs