29 April 2013

CCG prospectus - letter from NHS England

CCG prospectus - letter from Dame Barbara Hakin
NHS England, Publications Gateway Ref No 00048, 29 April 2013
  • The intention of the prospectus is to be a very short guide which explains to the local community what the CCG is, and the ambitions you have for the local population’s health services.
  • NHS England will not be providing any central requirements around content or the means of communication but this letter outlines some few principles which NHS England assumes will be taken into account:.
  • The prospectus should
    • reflect the local health and wellbeing strategy and as such ensuring your prospectus has been agreed with your Health and Wellbeing Board;
    • set out what the key health priorities are for your population
    • describe the standards that local people can expect from the services you have commissioned on their behalf;
    • detailed description of how the budget for these services will be spent;
    • demonstrating how you and your key partners will address health inequalities; and
    • provide clarity on how your population’s views have been, and will continue to be, heard.
  • The prospectus should be  published by 31 May 2013.