National Quality Board, Jan 2013
- Guidance to the system on establishing Quality Surveillance Groups (QSGs) which will go live in April 2013.
- A network of QSGs is being established to bring together different parts of health and care economies locally and in each region in England to routinely share information and intelligence to protect the quality of care patients receive.
- QSGs will operate at two levels: locally (NHS England area teams) and regionally, NHS England, CQC, Monitor, PHE and NHS TDA)
- One key source of information will be the National Quality Dashboard, which provides data on quality in a form which can be considered at a CCG, area, regional and national level.Indicators are included in Annex B.
- Includes:
- QSG stucture and membershhip
- Annex A - Quality Surveillance Groups Assurance Process
- Annex B - Indicators in the National Quality Dashboard
- Annex C - Example Regional QSG Agenda
- Annex D - Example Local QSG Agenda