31 July 2017

Changes to Data Protection legislation: CEO briefing

Changes to Data Protection legislation: why this matters TO YOU
NHS Digital July 2017

  • A CEO briefing highlighting what health organisations and arms' length bodies need to consider to prepare for the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which will apply from 25th May 2018.
  • Watch here for future updates.
  • See the ICO overview here.

Scoping review of review-level evidence on co-production in local decision-making and its relationship to community wellbeing

Scoping review of review-level evidence on co-production in local decision-making and its relationship to community wellbeing
What Works Wellbeing, July 2017
  • This review found that there were few reviews of evidence from studies of (clear) empowerment-based approaches to co-production in local decision-making. 
  • The concepts and related interventions of engagement, involvement, participation, consultation, volunteering and empowerment are frequently conflated in the current evidence-base. While there seems to be plenty of action aimed at enabling communities to have meaningful influence on local policies and services, there currently appears to be little evidence on how such interventions actually impact on individuals’ health and wellbeing.

The interface between primary and secondary care: key messages for NHS clinicians and managers

The interface between primary and secondary care: key messages for NHS clinicians and managers
NHS England July 2017
  • This briefing describes the key national requirements around good organisation of care across the interface between general practice and secondary care providers as set out in the new NHS Standard Contract for 2017- 19.

Social Prescribing case study - West WIltshire Wellbeing

West Wiltshire Wellbeing

Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing

Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (APPGAHW) July 2017
  • This report presents the findings of a two-year inquiry into the practice and research in the arts in health and social care. It discusses the return on the investment that art can bring to health and social care services; how art can help meet major challenges presented by ageing, long-term conditions, loneliness and mental health; and that the arts can contribute to wellbeing and a longer, high-quality of life.

Developing trusted assessment schemes: ‘essential elements’

Developing trusted assessment schemes: ‘essential elements’
NHS Improvement July 2017
  • This guide describes how local systems could implement trusted assessment, a key element of best practice in reducing delays to transfers of care between hospital and home, and part of the high impact change model for managing transfers.

Risk stratification: Learning and Impact Study

Risk stratification: Learning and Impact Study
Operational Research and Evaluation Unit, NHS England, July 2017
(Available on request - England.ORET@nhs.net. See Protecting our most vulnerable patients, blog by Charles Tallack, Head of the NHS Operational Research and Evaluation Unit, (27 September 2017) )
  • Risk stratification forms a core part of the Multispeciality Community Provider (MCP), Primary and Acute Care System (PACS), and Enhanced Health in Care Homes frameworks.
  • Risk stratification is used to predict future adverse events, such as unplanned hospital admissions, and by healthcare systems to ‘case find’ those individuals at risk of such an adverse event and for population health planning.
  • This report presents the benefits, what works, and what doesn’t, in implementing risk stratification and the implications for others thinking about taking up risk stratification.
  • It draws on findings from: five case study visits to MCP and PACS vanguards; a brief literature review; and consultation with senior stakeholders.

Fostering hospital-community partnerships

A playbook for fostering hospital-community partnerships to build a culture of health
Health Research & Educational Trust, .American Hospital Association (AHA) July 2017
  • This guidance outlines a range of methods, tools and strategies to help create and sustain partnerships between hospitals and communities in order to create a culture of health. 
  • The guidance also uses insights from cohorts of a pilot programme on how to manage, strengthen and accelerate collaborations effectively

25 July 2017

Asset based places: a model for development

SCIE July 2017
  • An asset-based approach places the emphasis on people’s and communities’ assets, alongside their needs. This briefing suggests a framework for local areas to enable asset-based approaches to thrive.
  • Includes case studies and further reading.

Rotherham Social Prescribing Service

  • Rotherham Social Prescribing Service is delivered by Voluntary Action Rotherham (VAR) in partnership with more than 20 local voluntary and community organisations.
  • The service is commissioned by NHS Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) as part of a wider approach to GP-led integrated case management.
  • The service was launched as a pilot in 2012, and re-contracted in 2015 for another three years. It is funded through the Better Care Fund.

21 July 2017

Behind Closed Doors - NHS staff wellbeing

Point of Care Foundation 21 July 2017
  • This briefing highlights the latest evidence on NHS staff, their experience at work, the pressures they face and the consequences for patients.

Unmet need for social care

Ipsos MORI, NatCen Social Research, Age UK, Independent Age, July 2017
  • This study confirmed previous research that unmet needs for social care among older people is widespread and highlights the experiences of unmet need for care among older people living in their own homes.

Decommissioning health care: identifying best practice

Decommissioning health care: identifying best practice through primary and secondary research a prospective mixed-methods study
Health Services and Delivery Research 2017;5(22) https://dx.doi.org/10.3310/hsdr05220
  • This study examines the evidence base on which to guide policy and practice in decommissioning through expert opinion, a survey and interviews with CCGs and discussions with patient/service users. 
  • The study concludes that there is a lack of robust evidence to guide decommissioning, but among experts there is a high level of consensus for the following good-practice principles: establish a strong leadership team, engage clinical leaders from an early stage and establish a clear rationale for change. 
  • The most common type of CCG decommissioning activity was ‘relocation or replacement of a service from an acute to a community setting’ (28% of all activities) and the majority of responding CCGs (77%) were planning to decommission services. 
  • Case studies demonstrate the need to (1) draw on evidence, reviews and policies to frame the problem; (2) build alliances in order to legitimise decommissioning as a solution; (3) seek wider acceptance, including among patients and community groups, of decommissioning; and (4) devise implementation plans that recognise the additional challenges of removal and replacement. 
  • Case studies include
    • Decommissioning as part of the national reorganisation of paediatric burn care services in England
    • Local decommissioning of an end-of-life home support service
    • Decommissioning in the work of an Area Prescribing Committee
    • Reorganisation of local primary and acute care services, involving decommissioning of a local hospital and centralisation of acute services at alternative sites
  • Citizens, patient/service user representatives, carers, third-sector organisations and local community groups were more likely to believe that decommissioning is driven by financial and political concerns than by considerations of service quality and efficiency, and to distrust and/or resent decision-makers. Overall, the study suggests that failure rates in decommissioning are likely to be higher than in other forms of service change, suggesting the need for tailored design and implementation approaches.
  • Definition: Decommissioning – defined as the planned process of removing, reducing or replacing health-care services.

NHS England Board meeting, 21 July 2017

NHS England Board meeting, 21 July 2017

Highlights for Arden & GEM CSU by Anne Gray, Knowledge Officer
Arden & GEM CSU

Papers and videos will available here: https://www.england.nhs.uk/about/board/meetings/previous/

2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
3. Chairman’s Report
4. Chief Executive’s Report
5  Items Which Should not be Prescribed in Primary Care
5(a) - Items which should not routinely be prescribed in primary care - consultation guidance
5(b) Equality and Health Inequalities – Full Analysis - Items which should not be routinely prescribed in primary care
6. Developing our Academic Health Science Networks
7. NHS England Corporate and NHS Performance Report
8. Consolidated Month 2 2017/18 Financial Report
9. NHS England Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17
10. CCG Assessment 2016/17 year-end ratings
11. STP Progress Dashboard – baseline view
12. Annual Report (2016-17) from the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee Meeting
13. Annual Report (2016-17) from the Specialised Commissioning Committee
14. Annual Report (2016-17) from the Investment Committee
15. Annual Report (2016-17) from the Commissioning Committee
16. Reports from Board Committees
i. Commissioning Committee Assure David Roberts
ii. Investment Committee Assure Dame Moira Gibb
iii. Specialised Services Commissioning Committee Assure Noel Gordon
iv. Audit and Risk Assurance Committee

Highlights :

STP Progress dashboard

STP progress dashboard - baseline view
NHS England Board meeting 21 July 2017 Item 11
  • STPs have been given an overall baseline rating based on performance across nine domains and have been categorised as ‘outstanding’, ‘advanced’, ‘making progress or ‘needs most improvement.
  • Overall baseline ratings derive from performance across nine domains:
    • Hospital performance
      • i. Emergency Care
      • ii. Elective Care
      • iii. Patient Safety
    • Patient focused change
      • iv. General Practice
      • v. Mental Health
      • vi. Cancer
    • Transformation
      • vii. Demand Management
      • viii. Leadership
      • ix. Finance

20 July 2017

AHSN Atlas of Solutions in Healthcare

AHSN Atlas of Solutions in Healthcare

  • Case studies, from across the Academic Health Science Networks (AHSNs), demonstrating the high impact innovations developed and spread by AHSNs arranged by clinical areas and enablers (eg new care models, STP, workforce development).

18 July 2017

NHS England Annual Report and assessment of performance 2016/2017

NHS England Annual Report 2016/17
Department of Health 18 July 2017

NHS England: assessment of performance 2016 to 2017
NHS England 18 July 2017
  • Annual assessment of NHS England against its mandate and business objectives for 2016 to 2017 regarding improve the quality of services, reduce inequalities, secure public involvement.

Social prescribing offers huge potential but...

Social prescribing offers huge potential but requires a nuanced evidence base
BMJ Opinion 18 July 2017
  • A blog by Kerryn Husk (NIHR CLAHRC South West Peninsula (PenCLAHRC)) discusses the current drive for social prescribing but issues caution because the evidence base for currently lags considerably behind practice. He notes that a number of recent papers examining social prescribing from a number of angles have tended to highlight evidence gaps rather than demonstrating effect. Almost all studies of social prescribing conclude by making persuasive arguments for the need to examine and better understand the process of social prescribing, yet so far we haven’t acquired this knowledge.

17 July 2017

NHS estates related guidance

Complete list of NHS estates related guidance
Department of Health 17 July 2017
The publication status of NHS estates related guidance including
  • health building notes (HBN)
  • health technical memorandum (HTM)
  • choice framework for local policies and procedures (CFPP)

16 July 2017

Link Worker social prescribing to improve health and well-being for people with long-term conditions

Link Worker social prescribing to improve health and well-being for people with long-term conditions: qualitative study of service user perceptions
BMJ Open 2017;7:e015203. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015203
  • Ways to Wellness is one of the first UK organisations to deliver social prescribing on a large and prolonged scale, funded for 7 years through a social impact bond model, with an overall target of 11 000 users over this period. Based in west Newcastle upon Tyne, an area with some of the most socioeconomically deprived wards in England, Ways to Wellness covers 17 general practices.


14 July 2017

Social Prescribing in London

Social Prescribing
Healthy Partnerships London
  • Resources, including guide to help London's commissioners take the first steps towards implementing social prescribing; a companion guide to implementing self-care locally; plus a live wiki-style resource for social prescribing and self-care  with evidence and resources for encouraging self care across London.

13 July 2017

An asset based approach in end of life care

Health Education England, July 2017
  • An asset based approach involves a community coming together, mapping their assets and capacity, building relationships, developing a common vision for the future and leveraging internal and external resources to support actions to achieve it.
  • The guide provides detail on what an asset based approach can look like and what factors need to be in place, incorporating lessons learnt and tips from those who have already explored the approach in the context of end of life care.

12 July 2017

Your Data: Better Security, Better Choice, Better Care

Your Data: Better Security, Better Choice, Better Care
DH 12 July 2017

11 July 2017

Whole Systems Partnership

Whole Systems Partnership
  • WSP provides support for partnership development and system redesign in health and social care. “Our aim is to help you develop new insights and deliver improvement by supporting strategic reviews and the implementation of major redesign programmes using modelling and simulation as a key tool, whilst bringing a distinctive approach to building and strengthening relationships to support adoption and sustainability.” 
  • Completed projects list here.

7 July 2017

Sharing learning from new care models

Sharing learning from new care models
NHS Clinical Commissioners
  • A collection of blogs, resources and case studies sharing the learning from new care models.

5 July 2017

Learning from Scotland’s NHS

Learning from Scotland’s NHS
Nuffield Trust 5 July 2017
  • This report looks at Scotland’s unique health care system, and explores how other parts of the UK might be able to learn from it.
  • In articular Scotland has a longer history of drives towards making different parts of the health and social care system work together. It has used legislation to get these efforts underway, while recognising that ultimately local relationships are the deciding factor.

NAO investigation into continuing healthcare funding

Investigation into NHS continuing healthcare funding
National Audit Office 5 July 2017
  • Key findings :
  • NHS England recognises that the current assessment process for CHC funding raises people’s expectations about whether they will receive funding and does not make best use of assessment staff.
  • In most cases eligibility decisions should be made within 28 days but many people are waiting longer.
  • Decisions on eligibility for CHC have a significant financial impact on the individual, clinical commissioning group (CCG) and local authority.
  • The number of people receiving CHC funding is rising and the funding of CHC is a significant cost pressure on CCGs’ spending.
  • There is significant variation between CCGs in both the number and proportion of people assessed as eligible for CHC
  • There are limited assurance processes in place to ensure that eligibility decisions are consistent, both between and within CCGs.
  • The report confirms the DH has been working with NHS England, local authority representatives and charity groups to understand the impact of the National Framework on delivery of CHC and where there might be scope for improvements. Figure 16, page 37 of the report sets out the areas where the Department of Health and NHS England expect CCGs can deliver CHC savings. The initiatives include investing in CHC workforce skills and capacity and reviewing the CHC checklist and assessment tools.

Rebooting health and social care integration: An agenda for more person centred care

Rebooting health and social care integration: An agenda for more person centred care
Localis 5 July 2017
  • While the health and social care integration agenda has a future, this report concludes that it is dependent on moving away from notions of structural integration and reliance on central policy direction. 
  • Health and social care integration can create new value locally, but it must build on its most important point of consensus; greater person centred care.

Lesbian, gay, and bisexual people say they experience a lower quality of life

Lesbian, gay, and bisexual people say they experience a lower quality of life
ONS Digital 5 July 2017
  • Across all positive ONS metrics of quality of life, life satisfaction, happiness, and perception that things they do in life are worthwhile, people who were heterosexual or straight rated each of these aspects of quality of life higher than their LGB counterparts.

NHS social care interface dashboard and BCF planning guidelines

Local Area Performance metrics - NHS social care interface dashboard, BCF planning guidelines
NHS England, the Department of Health (DH) and Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG)  5 July 2017
  • Publications include
    • NHS social care interface dashboard 
    • Local area performance metrics
    • Integration and Better Care Fund planning requirements 2017-2019
  • The NHS social care interface dashboard provides a set of measures indicating how health and social care partners in every local authority area in England are performing at the interface between health and social care.
  • The dashboard includes a breakdown of delayed days attributable to social care per 100,000 of the population and the equivalent for NHS-attributable delays.
  • The Government has published a Written Ministerial Statement setting out the measures that it is putting in place to address delayed discharges from hospital in advance of this winter. This can be found here
  • Also published are Local Area Performance metrics - expectations for both local authorities and NHS Trusts which should allow areas to compare themselves to similar areas and then have conversations about good practice.
  • See comments from Simon Stevens on criticism of the new BCF guidelines in HSJ 6 July (Subscription required)
  • Reducing delays for people moving from hospital to social care. DH News story, 5 July 2017

Understanding the legal basis of STPs

A legal word of caution before the STPs are rolled out
HSJ 5 July 2017
Comment by Albert Sanchez-Graells, senior lecturer in law, University of Bristol Law School
  • A discussion of the legal questions raised by the implementation of the STP model in Manchester.
  • (Subscription required)

4 July 2017

Brexit developments via NHS Confederation European Office

Follow Brexit developments through the NHS Confederation European Office here.

Pressure on NHS finances drives new wave of postcode rationing

Pressure on NHS finances drives new wave of postcode rationing
BMJ 2017;358:j3190
  • An investigation by The BMJ has shown stark local variation in the number of exceptional funding requests that doctors in England are having to make on behalf of their patients, and the types of treatment being restricted.
  • The analysis shows that the overall number of individual funding requests (IFRs) received by clinical commissioning groups in England increased by 47% in the past four years.

Generation Genome - Genomic service provision in the NHS

Chief Medical Officer annual report 2016: Generation Genome
Department of health 4 July 2017
  • Professor Dame Sally Davies's eighth independent report to government as CMO looks at how genomics can improve health and prevent ill-health. The report discusses the current state of genomic service provision in the NHS in England. It explores the potential of genomics to improve health and prevent ill-health.
  • The report presents evidence and discourse around:
    • screening
    • diagnosing rare diseases
    • the use of genomics in personalised prevention
  • It highlights gaps in:
    • infrastructure
    • public engagement
    • organisation of research
    • provision of services
  • The Genomics Education Programme supports staff from across all professions to gain the knowledge, skills and experience to embrace its extraordinary potential, and bring lasting benefits for patients. See the video here.

Fire safety law and guidance documents for business

Fire safety law and guidance documents for business
Home Office
  • This collection brings together all documents relating to fire safety law and guidance documents for businesses. 
  • Includes fire safety risk assessments for healthcare premises and residential care premises.

3 July 2017

Better Questions, Safer Care: Measurement and Monitoring of Safety Framework e-guide

Haelo, Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA), UK Improvement Alliance (UKIA), Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Improvement Academy 3 July 2017
  • The MMSF e-guide is intended for health and care organisations to help improve how patient safety is measured and monitored. It contains a range of useful resources to help health and care professionals to take a more holistic approach when looking at the safety of care.

Ministerial Statement on DTOCs

Delayed Transfers of Care: Written statement - HCWS24
Department of Health Ministerial Statement, Jeremy Hunt, 3 July
  • This statement sets out the measures that the Department is putting in place to address delayed discharges from hospital in advance of this winter. 
  • These measures include a dashboard that reflects how local areas across England are progressing in their work to improve the interface between health and social care. This can be found here.
  • See NHS social care interface dashboard and BCF planning guidelines