5 July 2017

NAO investigation into continuing healthcare funding

Investigation into NHS continuing healthcare funding
National Audit Office 5 July 2017
  • Key findings :
  • NHS England recognises that the current assessment process for CHC funding raises people’s expectations about whether they will receive funding and does not make best use of assessment staff.
  • In most cases eligibility decisions should be made within 28 days but many people are waiting longer.
  • Decisions on eligibility for CHC have a significant financial impact on the individual, clinical commissioning group (CCG) and local authority.
  • The number of people receiving CHC funding is rising and the funding of CHC is a significant cost pressure on CCGs’ spending.
  • There is significant variation between CCGs in both the number and proportion of people assessed as eligible for CHC
  • There are limited assurance processes in place to ensure that eligibility decisions are consistent, both between and within CCGs.
  • The report confirms the DH has been working with NHS England, local authority representatives and charity groups to understand the impact of the National Framework on delivery of CHC and where there might be scope for improvements. Figure 16, page 37 of the report sets out the areas where the Department of Health and NHS England expect CCGs can deliver CHC savings. The initiatives include investing in CHC workforce skills and capacity and reviewing the CHC checklist and assessment tools.