31 July 2017

Risk stratification: Learning and Impact Study

Risk stratification: Learning and Impact Study
Operational Research and Evaluation Unit, NHS England, July 2017
(Available on request - England.ORET@nhs.net. See Protecting our most vulnerable patients, blog by Charles Tallack, Head of the NHS Operational Research and Evaluation Unit, (27 September 2017) )
  • Risk stratification forms a core part of the Multispeciality Community Provider (MCP), Primary and Acute Care System (PACS), and Enhanced Health in Care Homes frameworks.
  • Risk stratification is used to predict future adverse events, such as unplanned hospital admissions, and by healthcare systems to ‘case find’ those individuals at risk of such an adverse event and for population health planning.
  • This report presents the benefits, what works, and what doesn’t, in implementing risk stratification and the implications for others thinking about taking up risk stratification.
  • It draws on findings from: five case study visits to MCP and PACS vanguards; a brief literature review; and consultation with senior stakeholders.