29 January 2016
NHS England Board meeting, 28 January 2016
NHS England Board meeting, 28 January 2016 - Highlights report
Video will be available here.
3: Chief Executive’s Report
4: Freedom to Speak Up
5: Cancer Taskforce implementation
6: Corporate and NHS performance report
7: M8 Finance Paper
8a: Commissioning Committee report
8b: Investment Committee
8c: Specialised Services report to Board
8d: ARAC report
3. Chief Executive’s report
“Within the next few weeks we will be issuing the tariff Section 118 consultation (jointly with NHSI), the proposed 16/17 standard contract, and next year's national CQUIN incentives. We will also be jointly agreeing individual provider performance trajectories with NHSI in order that we can release the first shares of the 16/17 £1.8bn 'sustainability' funding that the NHS England Board agreed at our December meeting to allocate to relevant providers via CCGs.”
February - Announcement regarding “a substantial and wide ranging programme of funding and support for GPs and primary care. This will include measures on workforce, workload and service redesign.”
February - Mental health Taskforce's final report.
February - Maternity services taskforce report
4: Freedom to Speak Up
An outline of progress towards NHS England becoming a Prescribed Person, under the Employment Rights Act (1996), with effect from 1 April 2016. NHS England will have to publish an annual report about its engagement with NHS whistleblowers from primary care covering the period 1 April 2016 – 31 March 2017, and annually thereafter. New resources will be required to deliver these new statutory responsibilities.
It is expected that CCGs will become Prescribed Persons from 1 April 2017 and steps will need to be taken to facilitate this process efficiently and effectively.
5: Cancer Taskforce implementation
Essential elements of the programme outlined for 2016/17:
i. To achieve national coverage of Cancer Alliances to drive implementation of the strategy locally.
ii. To test innovative collaborative models of commissioning and provision through the ‘Cancer Vanguard’.
iii. To unlock additional diagnostics capacity to achieve earlier diagnosis, including testing multi-disciplinary diagnostic centres and the new four-weeks-to-diagnosis standard.
iv. To embed patient experience and quality of life outcomes achievement as central in quality cancer services
Cancer Alliances will come together to:
i. plan cancer services for their population
ii. design care pathways, particularly those requiring care delivered across different provider organisations
iii. provide improvement support
iv. undertake outcome measurement (through the CCG Assessment Framework and integrated Cancer Dashboard)
v. Engage with the public on cancer service changes
Cancer Vanguard: An acute care collaboration model using an ‘Accountable Clinical Network’ for cancer will be tested in three sites.
A single integrated Cancer Dashboard is being developed, including patient experience and quality of life measures, launching in April. A prototype is shown in Appendix D.
Date of Next NHS England Board meeting: 31 March 2016,
NHS England,