NHS England 8 January 2016
Detailed papers:
- Financial allocations 2016/17 – 2020/21
- Total place allocations
- CCG allocations
- Primary Care medical allocations
- Running cost allowances
- Specialised Allocations
- CCG Summary Statements
- This document supports the publication of the detailed financial allocations for CCGs and commissioning areas for the period 2016/2017 to 2020/2021. It should be read in conjunction with the allocations board paper from December 2015 which is available on the NHS England website at https://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/04.PB_.17.12.15-Allocations.pdf.
- The board paper includes greater detail on the allocation of resources to each commissioning stream and the development of the target formulae.
- Our overall policy approach in this area is based upon achieving:
- Greater equity of access through accelerating alignment of allocations with target formulae with the result that:
- in 2016/17 all CCGs are no more than 5% under target for CCG commissioned services;
- in 2016/17 all CCG areas are no more than 5% under target for the total commissioning streams for their population; and
- a three year transition to a similar position for primary medical care allocations is achieved.
- Closer alignment with population need through improved allocation formulae with the introduction of:
- a new inequalities adjustment for specialised care and more sensitive adjustments for CCGs and primary care;
- a new sparsity adjustment for remote areas.
- Faster progress towards our strategic goals through:
- higher funding growth for GP services and mental health;
- the introduction of a Sustainability and Transformation Fund, with a focus in 2016/17 on restabilising the NHS and a priority in subsequent years of accelerating transformational investment.
- Developing place-based allocations to support holistic collaborative and/or delegated local commissioning where this benefits patients.
- Stronger long-term collaboration between commissioners and providers stimulated and enabled through:
- shared operational and strategic planning supported by visibility of projected commissioning resources by locality for the next five years, coupled with forward guidance on key tariff parameters in the planning guidance;
- aligned incentives for effective integrated strategic planning;
- opportunities to pilot shared financial control totals