Also check the PHE Knowledge & Library Services Finding the Evidence: Coronavirus page.
COVID-19 Cumulative Vaccinations roll out
- NHS England daily and weekly figures: current week ; archive
- Local Authority View
COVID-19 vaccination programme from PHE
COVID-19 vaccination programme Primary Care guidance including:
- Governance, handling, and preparation of vaccines by GP led Local Vaccination Centres (PCN designated sites) [letter] 8 December 2020
- COVID-19 vaccination programme 2020/21 – next steps, NHS England 1 December 2020
- Enhanced Service Specification: COVID-19 vaccination programme 2020/21, NHS England 1 December 2020. This ES has been agreed between NHS England and the British Medical Association General Practitioners Committee in England. It is a national specification that cannot be varied locally.
vaccination programme guidance. : NHS England guidance, list of hospital
hubs and local vaccination sites, primary care guidance, legal mechanisms and
links to information from other organisations.
(COVID-19) vaccine – information for the public including latest JCVI
- Collection of documents relating to the new coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination programme including training, consent forms, publicity and programme documents.
of guidance and information relating to the COVID-19 vaccination programme
maintained by NHS Confederation
Covid-19 vaccine roll-out. Frequently Asked Questions House of Commons Library research briefing updated 20 April 2021
“Positive vaccine sentiment has increased to 94% in the latest period (17 to 21 March 2021), from 78% when the data were first collected (10 to 13 December 2020).”
Priority groups for coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination: advice from the JCVI, 2 December 2020
DHSC 3 December 2020
- Advice from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) on the groups that should be prioritised for vaccination.
Decision: Regulatory approval of Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine for COVID-19, MHRA 2 December 2020
- Information for healthcare professionals and the public about the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.
- See Press release: UK medicines regulator gives approval for first UK COVID-19 vaccine
Coronavirus vaccine, NHS 2 December 2020, Information for the public.
Issues and Recommendations Concerning COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout, Independent SAGE, 27 November 2020.
- A 4 page report which identifies some of the key determinants of the most effective use of COVID-19 vaccines in the future - accountability, communication, implementation - and presents some preliminary recommendations.
COVID-19 vaccination deployment strategy and operational readiness, NHS England 20 November 2020
COVID-19 vaccination programme, BMA 17 November 2020
- Letter to Chief Executives of all NHS trusts and foundation trusts from Emily Lawson and Sue Harriman on the COVID-19 vaccination programme setting out what the NHS and Government will provide nationally, and what we expect the NHS working with local government and other partners locally to deliver.
COVID-19 vaccination programme, BMA 17 November 2020
- Details about what the CVP (COVID-19 vaccination programme) service in England involves, what is expected of practices, what you will get to support this work, and guidance on what to do now.