Telemedicine for care homes - scoping and implementation
Guides developed alongside a staged implementation of a Telemedicine Service Hub in the Hampshire and Isle of Wight STP footprint, which was fast tracked as a result of Covid-19.
Telemedicine for care homes: a strategic scoping guide
Wessex AHSN August 2020
Wessex AHSN August 2020
Wessex AHSN August 2020
- This scoping guide goes through a process, and outlines the things to think about when developing a telemedicine service for care homes, allowing you to develop a service that works for you. It includes
- Guidance for scoping and planning
- Links to a range of resources to support and inform thinking
- Case studies from Hampshire Hospitals Foundation NHS Trust and West Hampshire CCG to show how this works in practice.
Wessex AHSN August 2020
- This guide is aimed at a strategic level, to help develop and implement telemedicine services by collating in one place all the resources and lessons learned from service development in the Hampshire and the Isle of Wight STP.