7 August 2020

Third phase of NHS response to COVID-19 and implementation guidance

Third phase of NHS response to COVID-19
NHS England 31 July 2020
Update on the latest Covid national alert level; priorities for the rest of 2020/21; and an outline of financial arrangements heading into Autumn as agreed with Government.
  • A: Accelerating the return of non-Covid health services, making full use of the capacity available in the window of opportunity between now and winter
    • A1. Restore full operation of all cancer services.
    • A2. Recover the maximum elective activity possible between now and winter
    • A3. Restore service delivery in primary care and community services.
    • A4. Expand and improve mental health services and services for people with learning disability and/or autism
  • B: Preparation for winter alongside possible Covid resurgence
  • C: Doing the above in a way that takes account of lessons learned during the first Covid peak; locks in beneficial changes; and explicitly tackles fundamental challenges including support for our staff, action on inequalities and prevention.
    • C1. Workforce
    • C2. Health inequalities and prevention.
  • Financial arrangements and system working 
    • Financial arrangements for CCGs and trusts set out in Annex Two.
Implementing phase 3 of the NHS response to the COVID-19 pandemic
DHSC 7 August 2020
1. Urgent actions to address inequalities in NHS provision and outcomes
  • 8 actions
  • Details of Task and finish group on accelerating NHS progress on tackling health inequalities during the next stage of COVID-19 recovery
2 Mental health planning
  • Focus – IAPT services, community mental health teams, children & young people, support for NHS staff.
3. Restoration of adult and older people’s community health services
  • Supersedes the prioritisation guidance for community health services first published on 20 March 2020 and updated on 2 April 2020,
4. Using patient initiated follow-ups as part of the NHS COVID-19 recovery.
  • “Individual services should develop their own guidance, criteria and protocols on when to use PIFUs. PIFU pathways can be used for patients of any age, provided the patient and their clinician agree that it is right for them.” Includes example implementation checklist adapted from work by Somerset CCG and other case studies.
5. 2020/21 Phase 3 planning submission guidance
6. COVID-19 data collections: changes to weekend collections .