4 October 2016

Primary and acute care system framework - PACS

Integrated primary and acute care systems (PACS) - Describing the care model and the business model
NSH England 29 September 2016
  • The PACS model is a new, whole population-based model of care provision using better integration through radical care redesign. It is based on the GP registered list and brings together the delivery of primary care, community based care as well as hospital services.
  • This document outlines what a primary and acute care systems is and the steps required to set one up. It describes the key features of the care model as well as the changes to contracting, funding and organisational form that are needed to deliver a PACS. 
  • The document shares the learning from the nine existing PACS vanguards and includes case studies highlighting their progress to date.
  • See all of the vanguard models here.