NHS England Board AGM 25 October 2016
• Opening speech and Annual Report and Accounts - Simon Stevens, NHS England CE
• Panel one: Discussions on NHS England’s priorities.
• Panel two: Discussions on delivering the FYFV.
Opening speech and Annual Report and Accounts - Simon Stevens, NHS England CE
NHS E notes the dramatic change in the political environment due to Brexit vote and the key role of the NHS is the discussions leading up to it. Increasing polarisation has been reflected in the NHS. Also the uncertainty over the UK£ will affect everyone in the NHS.
The NHS E response is to
• Work with the government to provide assurance to staff
• Ensure stability at a time of change
• Support improvement across areas of economic development (specifically life sciences)
Simon Stevens (SS) outlined the challenges for the NHS during 2015/16 both operational and financial.
He emphasised that the NHS met its financial obligations, charted the strategic direction for some major killers through co-production, achieved the front loaded budget requested but not support in other areas which will allow the NHS to match its pressures (social service support, prevention and capital infrastructure).
In the future the NHS E needs to
• Work with its NHS partners (eg NHS I, CQC) to develop a jointed up approach to NHS improvement
• Effectively fulfil responsibility
• Meet its national priorities of mental health , cancer, primary care and urgent and emergency care, in particular through financial support for GP services.
• Support local leaders through STPs to give the direction of progress for local improvement areas in health and social care.
Panel one discussions on NHS England’s priorities
Panel members
• Simon Stevens, Chief Executive NHS England
• Professor Tim Kendall, National Clinical Director for Mental Health NHS England
• Cally Palmer CBE, Chief Executive, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and NHS National Cancer Director for NHS England
• Pauline Phillip, Chief Executive Luton & Dunstable University Hospital and National Urgent and Emergency Care Director NHS England
• Professor Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer England
Highlights from discussion
Cancer – upgrading of radiotherapy equipment. While the cancer strategy is ambitious it is acknowledged that it does not address rarer cancers where survival rates have not reduced except through quicker access to diagnosis and treatment. This is being looked at.
Mental health – promotion of services for young people with severe mental health issued through rapid access and early intervention
UEC – services working together to reduce A&E visits, in particular thorugh the winter period. Work of STPs will streamline A&E services
LD – Significant progress in reduction of out of area placements and improved community services to reduce hospital admissions. Work to reduce inequalities is ongoing eg through annual health checks and LD mortality review.
NHS budget – SS emphasised that the NHS budget was a government decision but NHS England has been explicit about NHS financial needs. This must be matched by better use of existing resources, reduction in unnecessary work and transformation.
Panel two discussions on delivering the FYFV – impact of Sustainability and Transformation Plans
Panel members
• Matthew Swindells, National Director Operations and Information NHS England
• Amanda Doyle Chief Clinical Officer of Blackpool CCG and the STP Lead for the
• Lancashire and South Cumbria
• David McNulty, Chief Executive Surrey County Council
• Sir Andrew Morris, OBE, MHSM, Dip HSM Chief Executive of Frimley Park Hospital
Highlights from discussion
• The STPs aim to meet the challenges of the FYFV which require joined up thinking across the health and social care system
• STPs address the importance of service reconfiguration to better meet the needs of patients eg through access to GP services and integrated hubs bringing care closer to home.
• Emphasis on self management and self care to reduce inequalities.
• Wider contribution of society on the health and care system.
• Empowering leaders and front line staff to make changes across the health and care system.
• NHSE acknowledges the increasing pressure on its workforce through reducing agency staff, expanding staff in key pressure areas, increasing shortfalls in medical staff numbers, occupational health programmes et GP Heath & Wellbeing service, work on improving staff experience and engagement, reducing wasted time and working with staff to create whole teams with new roles or different staff to improve working.
• STPs will encourage uptake of developing approaches to GP services through distribution of work across wider teams, reduction of the current silo system through integrated teams and planned patient pathways.
• STPs have been accused of being a secretive process, with not enough involvement of the public. Reports will be published within weeks and go out to public consultation.
• Most of what is in the STPs is “common sense” and will encourage partnerships to facilitate action to “just get on and do it”.
• While not specifically not mentioned in the strategy, STPs will take into account cross cutting themes such as sensory impairment.
AGM Q&A – other points raised
• Privatisation is an “understandable concern”. But all services are covered by the same standards through the CQC. SS noted that he thought the changes to procurement rules resulting from Brexit may give greater flexibility on procurement especially with respect to public contract regulations.
• Assurance given that patient representatives on boards across the NHS are listened to, and not sidelined.