17 October 2016

Health in All Policies

Health in All Policies
PHE 17 October 2016
  • Health in All Policies (HiAP) is a collaborative approach to improving the health of all people by incorporating health considerations into decision making across sectors, policy and service areas, and addressing the wider determinants of health. 
  • The ‘Local wellbeing, local growth’ resource brings together the arguments for a HiAP approach with a set of practical examples of implementation from the UK and around the world.
  • The resource comprises five components:
    • Component 1 Overview paper: offering an introduction to the concept and implementation of the HAiP approach. 
    • Component 2 Slide set: briefly introducing the concept and case for action with a set of high impact infographics applied to an array of priority areas. 
    • Component 3 Implementing HIaP at a local level: practical examples: demonstrating how the HiAP approach has been implemented across the UK, Europe and the USA, together with the benefits and co-benefits that it delivered. 
    • Component 4 Background information about Health and Health equity in All Policies – providing an overview of the background and history of HiAP as well as a short review of the academic literature. 
    • Component 5 Glossary of terms