NHS England and NHS Improvement, 22 September 2016
- The Planning Guidance provides local NHS organisations with an update on the national priorities for 2017/18 and 2018/19, as well as updating on longer term financial challenges for local systems.
- The guidance covers two financial years and is underpinned by a two-year tariff and two-year NHS Standard Contract.
- Drawing on existing data collections from the assurance frameworks, NHS England will publish core baseline STP metrics in November 2016 around Finance, Quality and Health outcomes and care redesign.
- NHS England expect all contracts to be signed by 23 December 2016 - see the timetable for deadlines around publications, submission and mediation processes.
- The business rules for commissioners for 2017/18 and 2018/19 are set out in full in Annex E of the accompanying technical guidance.
- "CCGs’ role will continue to evolve. As new care models are established, the boundary between what is done by CCGs and by new integrated care providers will shift. However, there will continue to be a need for an effective commissioning function in the NHS. This includes acting as funder, setting local priorities and incentives, oversight of contracts, ensuring best value for the taxpayer, and ensuring the provision of a comprehensive local NHS within the available resources."
- 1. STPs
- 2. Finance
- 3. Primary Care
- 4. Urgent and Emergency Care
- 5. Referral to treatment times and elective care
- 6. Cancer
- 7. Mental health
- 8. People with learning disabilities
- 9. Improving quality in organisations
- The planning process has been built around Sustainable Transformation Plans so that the commitments and changes coming out of these plans translate fully into operational plans and contracts
- The timetable has been brought forward to enable earlier agreement locally about contracts
- Adjustments have been made to national levers such as tariff and CQUIN to support local systems in implementing service transformation
- In line with expectation of greater collaboration between organisations locally, there will be a single NHS England and NHS Improvement oversight process providing a unified interface with local organisations to ensure effective alignment of CCG and provider plans.
- The Government Mandate to NHS England: Summary 2020 Goals
- CCG improvement and assessment framework
- NHS Improvement single oversight framework
- October guidance to Sustainability and Transformation Plans
- NHS England and NHS Improvement Approach to Establishing Shared Financial Control Totals
- General Practice Forward View planning requirements
- Cancer services transformation planning requirements
- Mental health transformation planning requirements