NHS England May 2016
- This a framework for all nursing, midwifery and care staff, and builds upon Compassion in Practice and is directly aligned with the Five Year Forward View (FYFV) in seeking to develop new ways of working that are person-focused and provide seamless care across the boundary that has traditionally separated health and social care.
- The report presents 10 commitments to support action of nursing midwifery and care staff
- Tools to support the framework
- Appendix A National resources: documents, tools and references
- Appendix B Case studies
- Case study 1 Diabetes training programme: The management of insulin administration in the community by non-registered practitioners
- Case study 2 Improving outcomes for people living with dementia
- Case study 3 Liberating the voices of all - recovery coaching in an older persons acute rehabilitation ward
- Case study 4 Improving patient experience through stratification of the prostate cancer follow up pathway
- Case study 5 Collaborative working across care sectors to improve patient safety
- Case study 6 The role of the Enhanced Practice Nurse in Harrow
- Case study 7 Improving infection control in nursing care homes
- Case study 8 The changing face of modern nursing - “Living Well”
- Case study 9 Teaching care homes
- Case study 10 The First Response service - a 24/7 integrated model for urgent mental health care
- Case study 11 Reacting to Red - Developing a whole health and social care economy approach to preventing and reducing pressure ulcers
- Case study 12 Releasing nursing time while providing safer care
- Case study 13 Telemedicine in care homes
- Case study 14 Using social media for reaching women and families in healthcare services
- Appendix C Impact Measurement Framework