12 May 2016

EU models of care

EU models of care
NHS Confederation, March 2016
  • The NHS European Office is working with NHS England to provide support to the Integrated Care Pioneers, vanguards, and Integrated Personal Commissioning sites. 
  • The work is focusing on four different EU models that could be of interest to NHS colleagues looking to transform how they provide care for their populations:
    • Alzira in Spain 
    • Buurtzorg in The Netherlands 
    • The Esther Network, Jönköping, Sweden 
    • Gesundes Kinzigtal in Germany
  • For up to date presentations of the models see presentations given at the Adapting International Care Models meeting 12 May 2016
  • Why is it so hard to copy international best practice? - blog by Nigel Edwards (Chief Executive of the Nuffield Trust).