19 April 2016

Privatisation and independent sector provision of NHS healthcare

Privatisation and independent sector provision of NHS healthcare
BMA April 2016
  • This report examines the increasing extent of privatisation within the NHS, and makes eight recommendations for independent sector provision of NHS healthcare.
  • The recommendations:
  1. NHS England should collect data on levels of independent sector provision of NHS services by sector, for example for community services, acute services, mental health services, learning and disability services etc.
  2. Before any independent sector provider is chosen as a preferred bidder, there should be a thorough impact analysis taken to ensure that the decision will not destabilise existing NHS services or cause disruptions to the patient pathway
  3. During any procurement process that involves an independent sector bidder, CCGs should carry out a full risk assessment for what might happen if NHS staff do not wish to TUPE (transfer of undertakings under present employment) to an independent sector provider and how this might impact on the continuity of service provision
  4. Independent sector providers of NHS services should be subject to the same requirements as NHS providers in relation to transparent reporting of both patient safety incidents and performance
  5. The CQC should develop a more standardised approach to regulating independent sector providers in line with NHS providers
  6. Safeguards should be introduced to protect NHS patients and services if contracts are terminated early by independent sector providers
  7. The Department of Health should carry out a regular review of admissions from independent sector providers to the NHS to determine the nature and cost of these incidents
  8. The NHS Standard Contract should be amended to include a clause requiring independent sector providers to contribute towards the education and training of the NHS workforce – either financially or by virtue of making available suitable opportunities. This would be in addition to the existing requirement to support the work of HEE (Health Education England) and LETBs (local education and training boards)