Primary Care Commissioning (NHS England), CQC and GMC, 21 April 2016
- This document describes the approach being adopted by NHS England, the Care Quality Commission and the General Medical Council to reduce the administrative workload requirements associated with regulation from both the perspective of GP practices and GPs individually.
- Adoption of recommendations made in the Primary Care Foundation report "Making Time in General Practice"
- Key Outputs include:
- Clarification of the evidence required from practices by the three organisations with a focus on Significant Event Audits (SEAs), Clinical audit, and Complaints reviews.
- Alignment of information requests and development of more integrated systems that move towards self-reporting
- Development of practice and individual GP level metrics that can support the development of a prepopulated practice level dashboard showing trends and comparative practice outcome data, developed as a tool to support personal and practice reflection and audit.
- Development of a joint Programme Board to provide oversight and coordination for the regulation of general practice. The Programme Board will be set up immediately with implementation by April 2017.