1 March 2016

What is the role of VCSE organisations in care and support planning?

What is the role of VCSE organisations in care and support planning?
National Voices, March 2016
  • This paper considers how voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations can meaningfully contribute to the care and support planning process, and offers practical examples of the diverse ways in which this is already happening. It argues that the knowledge, skills, experience and resources of the VCSE sector are crucial factors in developing care and support planning at scale.
  • This policy and practice paper aims to:
    • Demonstrate a range of roles for VCSE organisations in offering and developing care and support planning for people living with long term conditions and disabilities.
    • Use case studies to illustrate existing best and promising practice: these examples offer a ‘typology’ of potential roles the VCSE sector can take throughout the care and support planning process.
    • Stimulate discussion around the role of the VCSE sector in relation to care and support.