Department of Health 5 February 2016
- This review led by Lord Carter, examined productivity and efficiency in English non specialist acute hospitals. It found unwarranted variation in running costs, sickness absence, infection rates and prices paid for supplies and services.
- As part of the review, a ‘model hospital’ has been developed which will advise NHS trusts on the most efficient allocation of resources and allows hospitals to measure performance against other trusts.
- The report makes 15 recommendations:
- 1 NHS Improvement should develop a national people strategy and implementation plan by October 2016 that sets a timetable for simplifying system structures, raising people management capacity, building greater engagement and creates an engaged and inclusive environment for all colleagues by significantly improving leadership capability from “ward to board”, so that transformational change can be planned more effectively, managed and sustained in all trusts;
- 2 NHS Improvement should develop and implement measures for analysing worker deployment during 2016, including metrics such as Care Hours Per Patient Day (CHPPD) and consultant job planning analysis, so that the right teams are in the right place at the right time collaborating to deliver high quality, efficient patient care;
- 3 Trusts should, through a Hospital Pharmacy Transformation Programme, develop plans by April 2017 to ensure hospital pharmacies achieve their benchmarks such as increasing pharmacist prescribers, e-prescribing and administration, accurate cost coding of medicines and consolidating stock-holding by April 2020, in agreement with NHS Improvement and NHS England so that their pharmacists and clinical pharmacy technicians spend more time on patient-facing medicines optimisation activities;
- 4 Trusts should ensure their pathology and imaging departments achieve their benchmarks as agreed with NHS Improvement by April 2017, so that there is a consistent approach to the quality and cost of diagnostic services across the NHS. If benchmarks for pathology are unlikely to be achieved, trusts should have agreed plans for consolidation with, or outsourcing to, other providers by January 2017;
- 5. Trusts report their procurement information monthly to NHS Improvement to create a NHS Purchasing Price Index commencing April 2016, collaborate with other trusts and NHS Supply Chain with immediate effect, and commit to the Department of Health’s NHS Procurement Transformation Programme (PTP), so that there is an increase in transparency and a reduction of at least 10% in non-pay costs is delivered across the NHS by April 2018;
- 6 Trusts should operate at or above the benchmarks agreed by NHS Improvement for the operational management of their estates and facilities functions by April 2017; with all trusts (where appropriate) having a plan to operate with a maximum of 35% of nonclinical floor space and 2.5% of unoccupied or under-used space by April 2017 and delivering this benchmark by April 2020, so that estates and facilities resources are used in a cost effective manner;
- 7 Trusts should rationalise their corporate and administration functions to ensure their costs do not exceed 7% of their income by April 2018 and 6% of their income by 2020 (or have plans in place for shared service consolidation with, or outsourcing to, other providers by January 2017) so that resources are used in a cost effective manner;
- 8 NHS Improvement and NHS England should establish joint clinical governance by April 2016 to set standards of best practice for all specialties, which will analyse and produce assessments of clinical variation, so that unwarranted variation is reduced, quality outcomes improve, the performance of specialist medical teams is assessed according to how well they meet the needs of patients and efficiency and productivity increase along the entire care pathway;
- 9 All trusts should have the key digital information systems in place, fully integrated and utilised by October 2018, and NHS Improvement should ensure this happens through the use of ‘meaningful use’ standards and incentives;
- 10 The Department of Health, NHS England and NHS Improvement should work with local government representatives, to provide a strategy for trusts to ensure that patient care is focussed equally upon their recovery and how they can leave acute hospitals beds, or transfer to a suitable step down facility as soon as their clinical needs allow so they are cared for in the appropriate setting for themselves, their families and their carers;
- 11 NHS England and NHS Improvement should work with trust boards to identify where there are quality and efficiency opportunities for better collaboration and coordination of their clinical services across their local health economies, so that they can better meet the clinical needs of the local community;
- 12 NHS Improvement should develop the Model Hospital and the underlying metrics, to identify what good looks like, so that there is one source of data, benchmarks and good practice;
- 13 NHS Improvement should, in partnership with CQC and NHS England, by July 2016, develop an integrated performance framework to ensure there is one set of metrics and approach to reporting, so that the focus of the NHS is on improvement and the reporting burden is reduced to allow trusts to focus on quality and efficiency;
- 14 All acute trusts should make preparations to implement the recommendations of this report by the dates indicated, so that productivity and efficiency improvement plans for each year until 2020/21 can be expeditiously achieved; and
- 15 The national bodies should engage with trusts to develop their timetable of efficiency and productivity improvements up until 2020-21, and overlay a benefits realisation system to track the delivery of savings, so that there is a shared understanding of what needs to be achieved.