10 February 2016

Greater Manchester Devolution plans

Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Strategic Partnership Board
Minutes of the Board's meetings are available here.

  • Implementation plans
  • Greater Manchester Joint Commissioning Board (GMJCB). 
  • Primary Care Transformation
  • Transformation Plans
Meeting of 29 January  2016
  • Appendix 1 of the Chief Officer Report 29 January 2016 describes a number of proposals in relation to delegation and devolution of accountability and funding to bodies within GM. It includes a Draft Accountability Agreement (App1)
  • Several national budgets will be delegated to a newly appointed Greater Manchester chief officer from April 2016, including for some specialised services, public health, pharmacy and secondary dental services. The officer will be employed by NHS England. 
  • For a summary of who will be accountable for what see HSJ 10 February. (subscription required)