1 February 2016

Building a knowledge enabled NHS

Building a Knowledge enabled NHS for the Future
NHS IQ, February 2016

"Knowledge can be defined as the combination of valuable, contextual, personal experiences and evidence or information – a combination of tacit and explicit knowledge."
  • Knowledge Management (KM) approaches are already used in everyday settings throughout the NHS to encourage collaboration and spread of great ideas and tried and tested methods of care. By sharing knowledge and expertise systematically, the NHS can improve efficiency and enable spread and adoption of what works at pace and scale.
  • This report describes the application of KM in the NHS over the past two decades, and discusses KM approaches which could benefit today's NHS through supporting the sharing and replicating of great ideas and the adoption of innovative approaches to improve care and services. 
  • Challenges facing knowledge management adoption in the NHS include frequent reorganisation, lack of case studies of KM initiatives in public sector organisations, and lack of knowledge sharing across a diverse range of NHS organisations.
  • Recommendations for a knowledge enabled NHS
    • Develop knowledge sharing and learning capabilities
    • Encourage leaders to support a knowledge sharing culture and behaviours
    • Collect and promote examples of the value of KM to the NHS
    • Develop communities to facilitate sharing of best practice and KM skills
    • Utilise technology to enable widespread and accessible sharing of best practice