NHS England, January 2016
- Operational plan timetable - key dates:
- Submission of full draft 2016/17 operational plans - 8 February
- Submission of updated full draft plans (CCGs, NHS England only) - 2 March
- National deadline for signing of contracts By 31 March
- Budgets and final plans approved by Boards of providers and commissioners By 31 March
- Submission of final 2016/17 operational plans, aligned with contracts -11 April
- Annexes
- Annex 1: Activity Plan, Contract Tracker and SRG Operational Resilience Template Guidance
- Annex 2: NHS England guidance on commissioner operational plans
- Annex 3: Guidance for completion of commissioner finance templates
- Annex 4 – Better Care Fund in 2016-17 (not yet published)
- Annex 5: NHS Improvement Guidance on Provider Operational Plans
- Annex 6: Annual Plan Review Template Guidance for NHS Foundation Trusts
- Annex 7: Trust Financial Management System (TFMS) Plan Guidance
- Annex 8: Workforce Plan Technical Guidance for NHS Trusts
- See NHS England NHS Shared Planning Guidance webpage for full documentation.